Unveiling Progress: Treatment, research and public health advances in reducing gambling harm
“He tini ngā whetū e ngaro i te kapua iti”
“Many stars cannot be obscured by a tiny cloud.”
This year’s theme is a reminder that it is through the sharing of our collective knowledge that we can remove the barriers to overcoming the harms from gambling.
IGC 2024 is a platform for all to share their treatment, research, public health, and policy insights and revelations in the area of gambling related harm and well-being.
To provide value to the attendees we aim to facilitate an environment where global, ethnic and individual perspectives on the concepts of harm and well-being foster robust discussion and debate.
The conference focus areas include:
Examining gambling-related behaviours and resulting harms, while highlighting our adaptive strategies.
Navigating the evolving landscape of gambling, characterized by the emergence of novel and highly accessible gambling products. We will also explore the increasingly blurred boundaries between gaming and gambling.
Charting the growth and evolution of effective harm reduction methodologies, with a keen focus on technological advancements in this domain.
Acquiring a deep understanding and valuable insights into inequities experienced by various population groups affected by gambling-related harm, all within the context of diverse gambling environments.
Recognizing and celebrating the distinct journey of individuals, families, and communities as they progress from the impact of gambling harm towards a state of well-being.
We believe the conference theme fits well with the Government’s focus on the challenges of health inequities and barriers to services for those affected by gambling harm, as outlined in the New Zealand Ministry of Health’s Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm.
It is a deliberately broad and inclusive theme which we hope will incorporate the experiences and knowledge from other addiction fields as well as the direct lived experiences of people affected by harm, drawing on these insights across the sector.